I like landscapes, and choose a lot of them. Portrayals of bodies of water are especially pleasing to me, and seem be disproportionally represented as subjects of 2-D art vs other landscape subjects. Richard Bosman is an Australian-American artist whose work I have featured twice before (https://www.artblog.me/2021/10/09/sharing-a-print-a-day/, https://www.artblog.me/2021/10/31/waterfall-richard-bosman-again-week-4/), both of which were landscapes, of which one was a waterfall. Bosman did a lot of seascapes and other bodies of water, and did them beautifully. Today, I’ve chosen another beautiful print which is NOT a water scene. It’s a colorful print done by etching–a less common technique for multicolored prints. Love to hear opinions.
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