“Onward, and nearer draws the sun of May,
And wide around the marriage of the plants
Is sweetly solemnized; then flows amain
The surge of summer’s beauty; dell and crag,
Hollow and lake, hill-side, and pine arcade,
Are touched with genius. Yonder ragged cliff
Has thousand faces in a thousand hours.” –from Musketaquid, Ralph Waldo Emerson
Andy Lovell, contemporary British print artist, has been growing on me. I’ve been looking at a lot of his recent prints. Today’s print represents Birling Gap, an area of cliffs located in the midst of the Seven Sisters, a series of famous white chalk cliffs along the southern coastline of Sussex which are a big tourist destination.. (Sussex is the region of of England, south and slightly east of London; notable for many reasons, including being a former Saxon kingdom, site of the Battle of Hastings, and the place to which Sherlock Holmes retired to keep bees.) These are absolutely gorgeous prints–their interesting color schemes have definitely gotten under my skin in the best possible way.
Birling Gap (Screenprint, 2021)