Here’s another Wengenroth print I’ve been saving to share on the right occasion, not knowing exactly what the right occasion would be. It’s another snow scene, so I wanted to share it on a snowy day. Check! But even better…it’s the Brooklyn Bridge in the snow….and we happen to be staying in Brooklyn, just 2 miles from the Brooklyn Bridge. Check check!
Wengenroth was born and raised in Brooklyn. Different sources have given me different stories for where he lived his adult life. One version said he lived in Brooklyn till a few years before he died.
The print is a fairly close view of a man bundled up for the weather , walking head down across the bridge. Because this is a closer view than most of his pictures, his attention to detail in textures is even more apparent. Look at the bridge cables, especially the one in the right foreground. Look at the snow on the bridge cables and on the gas streetlamp, and of course the bricks of the bridge arches. Look at the textured rather than individual bridge suspension cables on right and left in the background of the print. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do!
Brooklyn Bridge in Winter (Lithograph, 1959)

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