Stow Wengenroth aGAIN? Brooklyn Bridge Week, Day 3 (Monday)

I have a lot of Brooklyn Bridge prints to choose from, but Wengenroth takes the cake–so much so, that I’m going to risk us possibly overdosing on him this week. Today, we’ll look at a print from 1950 which shows the symmetry of the arches, framing some tall Manhattan buildings. Those buildings are seen through a latticework formed by the suspension cables on both sides. The sky is cloudy, producing shadows on the bridge as well as a dramatic view behind the main towers of the bridge. Again, the textures are exquisite: the wooden decking and fencing on the right; the rivets in the steel beam on the left; and just as in the Brooklyn Bridge in Winter print from Saturday, the cables in the foreground and the bricks of the main towers.

Brooklyn Bridge (Lithograph, 1950)

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