The lighthouse thing was not a deliberate choice. I often look for a picture that reflects something that feels concordant with the moment I’m in, weather being one of the easiest ones. There are a lot of beautiful snow scenes, of course. I’m not a huge fan of snow as a practical thing, but it looks beautiful. It is winter, but so far we haven’t had a lot of snow.
After a week of mostly black and white prints, I wanted something colorful, so I turned back to William Hays, whom you may remember as a Vermont painter turned printmaker to increase accessibility of his works. This piece is set in winter and has some snow, but it’s not primarily a snow scene, and it is in fact a lighthouse scene though I wasn’t specifically looking for one. The color scheme in this print is somewhat muted compared to many of his others–reminds me a bit of Andy Lovell.
Dawn Escort (Color reduction print, undated)