After looking at the Wengenroth print I posted yesterday, of the Brooklyn Bridge in Winter, I was struck by the memory of how many bridge pictures I’d seen, and thought it might be fun to do a series of pictures of bridges. Then I remembered how many Brooklyn Bridge prints I’d seen by artists I was already in love with. Even allowing myself a week and limiting myself to the Brooklyn Bridge, I still have quite a bit more than a weeks’ worth. I think more than a week on one topic, though, is probably a bit much, so I’ll make this Brooklyn Bridge Week (with yesterday being retroactively designated as day 1).
Today I’m going back to Richard Bosman. The most recent print of his we’ve looked at was, in fact, the Manhattan Bridge with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background, done in black and white rather than his characteristic color. Today’s print is done in black, white and one color. Enjoy one of Bosman’s several portrayals of the Brooklyn Bridge (of which we’re only going to look at one this week).
The Brooklyn Bridge (Woodcut, 1996)