How could I not commemorate this day with an image of MLK? Not surprisingly, there are numerous photographs of MLK, some paintings and drawings and a very few prints. After looking at numerous paintings, drawings and the handful of prints, I’ve chosen 3 images to present.
The first is a pencil drawing that I just love, by an artist named Willie Jones Jr, otherwise famous for paintings and drawings of military aircraft. The second is a lithograph by Ben Shahn printed together with a King quotation. The third is an engraving from the US Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing (yes, the people who design and make our paper money!)
Before presenting the images, I will share a less commonly found quotation from MLK which I like.
“If you can’t fly, then run
If you can’t run, then walk
If you can’t walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. “