Armin Landeck, stylized and textured New York scenes: week 6, day 7 (Friday)

Armin Landeck (1905-1984) was trained as an architect, but couldn’t find work in that field, which was print art’s gain. He was a contemporary and friend of Martin Lewis, and together with a third print artist they opened a printmaking school, which failed within a year due to the Depression. He and Lewis continued to produce exquisite prints.

In his early work, he delivered beautiful and very detailed and realistic prints, somewhat reminiscent of John Taylor Arms. He began playing with textures and more stylized portrayals of light as his art matured.

I’ve chosen two of his prints which I love. Both display the amazing texture he adopted in the later phase of his career, and Restaurant shows a little bit of his stylized light.

Narrow Street (1948, engraving and drypoint)

Restaurant (1951, engraving)

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