New York Noir–Richard Bosman in black and white: week 10, day 7

Richard Bosman has been a favorite because of his bold colors, used in interesting ways. (Many of his prints use 1-3 colors, each in various shades.) I’ve shown four of his pieces including my very first share-a-print post!

He does do some exclusively black-and-white prints, and when idly scanning through some of hisB&W prints on his website, my eye was caught by a print I’d undoubtedly seen before but not really noticed. This is one of a series of five prints of New York City places, all with this “white on black” style (as opposed to typical prints which are “black on white”, i.e. white background with black ink printed on it). He calls these five prints “New York Noir”. This style appeals to me more now than the first time I saw it, and this one print in particular really stands out.

Today’s print shows a bridge with another bridge and a mass of lit buildings behind it. The twin towers are in this picture from 1998. if I’m reconstructing this correctly in my mind, the foreground bridge is the Manhattan Bridge and the background bridge is the Brooklyn Bridge, with the WTC towers behind it . Those of you who know the city better are welcome to correct me.

New York Noir Bridge (Woodcut, 1998)

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